A couple months ago when my son was in Football I had the pleasure of being 8 months pregnant, getting to sit on damp grass and in the hot sun. lol.... It was torture being huge and sitting out there everyday but my son loved football practice. Any who being out there every day you form a bond with other mothers sitting out there. One day one of the moms came to practice wearing these bad boys
I was like wth?? She was a Kangoo trainer and had told me her story about how much weight she had lost with them and how great they are.
I just thought they looked really fun. Unfortunately at the moment I couldn't since I was still prego. Well this weekend I finally did!! My mom got involved in the process of selling them along with her friend who own a gym.
http://allinonefitness.net/ (if interested about the boots you can find them here- along with the testimonial of the mom who introduced the boots to us)
So Friday night my mom brought a pair over, and Sat morning my mom, kids, and me on the boots all went for a walk in the park. At first it felt funny to walk in them, you have to balance yourself and hold your tummy in. About 5 mins in and I was good to go. I'm not really a runner its too hard on my knees so typically I speed walk or jog. But with the boots on it was super easy. I raced my kids ( i lost) but they had a blast. My mom of course then gave me a "workout" while the kids played on the playground. Couple interested ppl came up asking questions, my mom of course handed business cards out (i think she used me as a demo out in public...)
When we got home my legs felt like Jello, my body was exhausted. It felt good to feel sore. I plan to purchase a pair on there next shipment. Pricing start at $250 I believe.
I of course have no pics cause still have no camera..
But here's Kim K and Kourtney when they tried them out
I kinda feel like I rambled on this post... Soo much to explain.. lol
Enjoy! :)
A blog about my random life, thoughts, kids, shoes, outfits,recipes and anything else that catches my attention
Monday, January 31, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Funny baby onesies
I like funny baby onesies, I think there so cute on babies.
Yesterday I picked up my gordito with a different outfit than what I had dropped him off in, his tia had bought him this onesie. LOL
I love him in these
Here are some more I found online
I love being able to dress up him in what I want. My kids dress themselves now in what THEY want to wear. Good lord the attitude my daughter gives me sometimes when she doesnt want to wear what Ive picked out :/ (and shes only 5)
(ps.. still working on getting camera.. ive had zero time to go to the store)
Yesterday I picked up my gordito with a different outfit than what I had dropped him off in, his tia had bought him this onesie. LOL
( Macho Man, Hunk, trouble... lol too cute)
His xmas ones
I love him in these
Here are some more I found online
I love being able to dress up him in what I want. My kids dress themselves now in what THEY want to wear. Good lord the attitude my daughter gives me sometimes when she doesnt want to wear what Ive picked out :/ (and shes only 5)
(ps.. still working on getting camera.. ive had zero time to go to the store)
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
William Rast
How cute are these jeans!
Coco skinny is a cropped version of our skinny jeans with buckles at the ankle. New Style for Fall!
Priced at $215
A bit steep for a pair of jeans in my opinion, but ill be on the look for a similar pair at a bargain price
Coco skinny is a cropped version of our skinny jeans with buckles at the ankle. New Style for Fall!
Priced at $215
A bit steep for a pair of jeans in my opinion, but ill be on the look for a similar pair at a bargain price
Rock The Red Pump

From http://www.theredpumpproject.org/rock-the-red-pump/
Every year, the United States recognizes March 10th as National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NWGHAAD). It’s a nationwide initiative to raise awareness about the increasing impact of HIV/AIDS on women & girls and encourages ladies to take action. While progress has definitely been made in the areas of AIDS prevention and treatment, women still represent 27% of all new AIDS diagnoses, with African-American women accounting for 66% of that group. This year focuses on this statistic, “Every 35 minutes, a woman tests positive for HIV in the United States.”
In observance of this day, The Red Pump Project is asking bloggers to participate in the third annual “Rock the Red Pump™” campaign: 500 in 50. Last year, 250 of you took to Twitter, Facebook, and your blogs to help us “Rock the Red Pump” and this year, we’re asking you to do it again! We have a goal of getting 500 blogs and we have 50 days to do it.Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Rainforest Jumperoo
I just ordered this Fisher Price- Rainforest Jumperoo for my gordito. He loves to jump when you hold him and kicks up a storm.
Ive been putting off buying one cause I wasn't sure if he really needed one. But he does! He is very active and I think he would love this!! I researched a little on it and it got a lot of positive reviews. I purchased it from Walmart online (they had the cheapest rate) $65 plus tax w/free shipping, so total was $70.
Hopefully my gordito will love it
Look at those rolls!! LOL I love em and he thinks its funny when I squeeze them :)
Ive been putting off buying one cause I wasn't sure if he really needed one. But he does! He is very active and I think he would love this!! I researched a little on it and it got a lot of positive reviews. I purchased it from Walmart online (they had the cheapest rate) $65 plus tax w/free shipping, so total was $70.
Hopefully my gordito will love it
Look at those rolls!! LOL I love em and he thinks its funny when I squeeze them :)
Hospital stays
About a week ago now my little princess was admitted into the hospital. Taking little ones to the ER is always scary. At least for me it is. In an older post I had mentioned that she was sick well it had gotten worse to the point she was crying in pain that her stomach hurt :(
We got to the ER around 10pm they did some tests on her and also wanted to do a CT scan on her. Before they can Scan she has to drink some liquid so her insides light up when they scan her. Of all flavors they could have they give her orange flavor (its medicine with orange flavored crystal light) She hates orange flavored anything. So it took a while I even bribed her with anything she wanted when we got home and to give her mani/pedi when we got home with whatever color she wanted...... It didn't work she didn't drink as much as she should have but they were still able to do CT scan, results made them think appendicitis because there was fluid around the area her appendix was and wanted to immediately transfer her to Shea hospital that has a pediatric intensive care that could perform surgery. I just cried the thought of all this really SCARED me.
Ambulance ride was really bumpy, my princess did awesome on the ride and didn't freak out. After two days in the hospital, multiple doctors and nursers coming in, a hard counter with a pillow on top called a "bed", conclusion was no longer appendicitis but pneumonia. What a scare, I was thankful that it wasn't something that she was going to need surgery for. She was put on rounds of antibiotics and started feeling better. They still cant really explain the stomach pains. Every time they came in and told me something different it reminded me of the show "House" the guessing game of trying to figure out what is wrong with the patient. Ultimately they said her organs had swelled causing the pain and fluid which would both go away.
The outcome to this was a happy little girl feel ALOT better
(we made jewelry while we were there, she also got to pick her own movies, play wii, and xbox)
I have to say I hated the hospital stay but am beyond thankful for the services they provided and to help little ones feel comfortable.
We got to the ER around 10pm they did some tests on her and also wanted to do a CT scan on her. Before they can Scan she has to drink some liquid so her insides light up when they scan her. Of all flavors they could have they give her orange flavor (its medicine with orange flavored crystal light) She hates orange flavored anything. So it took a while I even bribed her with anything she wanted when we got home and to give her mani/pedi when we got home with whatever color she wanted...... It didn't work she didn't drink as much as she should have but they were still able to do CT scan, results made them think appendicitis because there was fluid around the area her appendix was and wanted to immediately transfer her to Shea hospital that has a pediatric intensive care that could perform surgery. I just cried the thought of all this really SCARED me.
Ambulance ride was really bumpy, my princess did awesome on the ride and didn't freak out. After two days in the hospital, multiple doctors and nursers coming in, a hard counter with a pillow on top called a "bed", conclusion was no longer appendicitis but pneumonia. What a scare, I was thankful that it wasn't something that she was going to need surgery for. She was put on rounds of antibiotics and started feeling better. They still cant really explain the stomach pains. Every time they came in and told me something different it reminded me of the show "House" the guessing game of trying to figure out what is wrong with the patient. Ultimately they said her organs had swelled causing the pain and fluid which would both go away.
The outcome to this was a happy little girl feel ALOT better
(we made jewelry while we were there, she also got to pick her own movies, play wii, and xbox)
I have to say I hated the hospital stay but am beyond thankful for the services they provided and to help little ones feel comfortable.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
So catching up on TheFreshFiends I saw La's recent post on the movie Dumplings
Reading the short movie review all I could think was YUCK! Very disturbing! And yet somehow it has me intrigued to watch the movie.... :/
If interested
Has anyone watched the movie? Im sure I will eventually end up watching it.
Reading the short movie review all I could think was YUCK! Very disturbing! And yet somehow it has me intrigued to watch the movie.... :/
If interested
Has anyone watched the movie? Im sure I will eventually end up watching it.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Jan 22nd
As I mentioned on a post before I would be posting about the flyers I was picking up for my BF. Well here it is! If your local you should come :)
Ill be there supporting the BF and of course having a good time
Ill be there supporting the BF and of course having a good time
Friday, January 14, 2011
My Day
Yesterday was a busy busy day. Woke to my daughter crying with a stomach ache and of course my son said he had one to so they stayed home with there nina. After the dr appt my daughter has a stomach flu and my son just faked the funk to stay home from school. Since he really wasnt sick he wasnt allowed to watch tv or play! He was bored out of his mind. lol. Hope he learned his lesson.
I was determined to wear my "carly" DV boots today so this is how I wore them. ( I need to get a new camera still so bare with me)
Blazer from Charloutte Russe
Top from Charloutte Russe(mine was grey) just saw there on sale for $4.. wow
Leggings from....?? IDK cant remember
DV "Carly" boots from Ross
Super comfortable outfit which im all about. (and it got the bf's attention.. lol)
After work I had to pick up flyers/posters for my BF. Ill post that later. But if you live in AZ you should come :)
Followed by meds for my daughter, pick up the baby, and then FINALLY order my eyeglases. One week short of my perscription expiring I finally ordered my glasses. lol It took me a while to find something that looked decent on my face, but I did. I get them in a week. Hopefully I get a camera by then and I can share that with you guys. I also got stuck at walmart for like an hour and half because they only had 2 lanes open :/ that sucked!
Glad that day is over and its Friday today! Yay! Hope everyone has a great day and a fabulous weekend!!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Date night
This past Sunday was mine and the bf's 4yr anniversary. We don't go out much now since having the baby way too much going on. But it was our anniversary and I thought it would me nice to get out of the house. I went with dinner and a movie at Ipic theaters (True Grit- good movie). The place is amazing, super nice/fancy and as we were eating at Salt lounge my bf referred to it as Vegas atmosphere. I booked the Gold class VIP seats for $35 it includes Reserved Seating, Valet Parking, Reclining Seats, Complimentary Popcorn, and In-Theater Service not to mention a blanket and pillow! And a server for the first 20 minutes of the movie
Big difference from your typical movie theaters. I don't think I can afford that every time we want to see a movie, but it definitely is a nice place to go for special occasions/girls night out/date night etc. For dinner the plan was to eat at Salt lounge
till we realized it was pretty much appetizer foods, so we ordered the chicken skewers and some drinks. I ordered the Mojitonico it was yummy and pretty strong, but it looked like some weird plant drink with lots of cucumbers in it. This is the closest picture I could find that looked like it
Big difference from your typical movie theaters. I don't think I can afford that every time we want to see a movie, but it definitely is a nice place to go for special occasions/girls night out/date night etc. For dinner the plan was to eat at Salt lounge
till we realized it was pretty much appetizer foods, so we ordered the chicken skewers and some drinks. I ordered the Mojitonico it was yummy and pretty strong, but it looked like some weird plant drink with lots of cucumbers in it. This is the closest picture I could find that looked like it
We then moved on to Tanzy restaurant. Very chic very nice very expensive! But all together the experience was very nice and we had a good time. We will definitely be going back to Ipic theaters.
Here are some pics I took before our movie started
Also forgot to mention you can order anything from Salt Lounge in the movie theater (thats what the server is for.. lol) My belly was full by the time we got to the movie so I just had water and didnt touch my popcorn. The bf had some coffee and popcorn
DV booties
So I went shopping Friday for a pair of jeans. Unfortunatly I still havent lost the prego/baby weight and cant fit into my jeans. I went to Ross thinking cheap pair of jeans that hopefully I wont be wearing very long, as always first section I go to is the shoes! Its a 50/50 chance I will find something I like. And I did! I found the cutest military heels by Dolce Vita. Im not sure what they would originally go for but Ross had them at $49 down to $24!! So of course I bought them.
The DV ‘Carly‘ booties are very comfortable and would look great with denim, leggings, skirts, shorts and dresses!
I did end up finding a pair of black skinny jeans but shoot who cares about the jeans im in love with shoes!!
(not my feetsies)
I did end up finding a pair of black skinny jeans but shoot who cares about the jeans im in love with shoes!!
The Biggest Loser
So starting Monday we are doing The Biggest Loser contest at work! It should be pretty cool and plus if you win you get the $$$!! It will be $20 a person so right now were looking at about $200. For me its just an extra incentive to stick with my diet/exercise plan. I dont think im huge but I would definetly like to lose the pregnancy/baby weight I put on.
My goal is to lose 30 lbs! The contest starts Monday and will run 12 weeks! Lets see how grouchy co-workers get with no more sugar, cookies, cake etc.. LOL
My goal is to lose 30 lbs! The contest starts Monday and will run 12 weeks! Lets see how grouchy co-workers get with no more sugar, cookies, cake etc.. LOL
Late Christmas post
I know im late on this but better late than never right? Here is a collage of some of the Christmas pictures of my kids. I have to admit they came out super cute this year.
I got lucky with the baby at the photo shoot. He woke up just in time and smiled for his "santa" mommy (its my arms in the santa suit). When we went the second time which involved all three kids the baby was not having it. Grumpy little guy he was that day. The kids came out adorable though.
I hope everyone had a great Christmas!
I got lucky with the baby at the photo shoot. He woke up just in time and smiled for his "santa" mommy (its my arms in the santa suit). When we went the second time which involved all three kids the baby was not having it. Grumpy little guy he was that day. The kids came out adorable though.
I hope everyone had a great Christmas!
New years resolution.... more like my goals
Things I'd like to accomplish :
1) Exercise 4 times/week
2) Save money every month
3) Be a patient gf and mom and daughter and friend and employee (sheesh!)
4) Do the laundry and then fold it and then put it away.
5) Let go of things I do not need.
6) Lose weight. For the LOVE of God.
7) Finish house projects
This is what I will be doing to lose that weight!
and this is what my meals will consist of... (hopefully)
f I stick with it, it should be a breeze!
Things I'd like to accomplish :
1) Exercise 4 times/week
2) Save money every month
3) Be a patient gf and mom and daughter and friend and employee (sheesh!)
4) Do the laundry and then fold it and then put it away.
5) Let go of things I do not need.
6) Lose weight. For the LOVE of God.
7) Finish house projects
This is what I will be doing to lose that weight!
and this is what my meals will consist of... (hopefully)
f I stick with it, it should be a breeze!
Today Is The Day!
So, today is the day. The day I begin writing on a blog. My first blog. I have been following a few blogs as I enjoy reading about what the outfit of the day was, where it came from, about make up and many other things, its just fun. I add a new blog each time I come across one I would like to follow. So many of you ladies take time out of your day to make a post, a daily post, make-up, fashion and daily randoms :) So, some info about me...I'm 25, mom of three. I love shopping and what makes me love it even more is when I come across a GREAT deal! I love shoes, more like shoe addict- i cant help myself :/
After spending so much time following other blogs, I thought it was about time to create my own!... Thanks to everyone for being interested! FEEL FREE to FOLLOW MY BLOG, or comment me whenever you want! I really appreciate it
After spending so much time following other blogs, I thought it was about time to create my own!... Thanks to everyone for being interested! FEEL FREE to FOLLOW MY BLOG, or comment me whenever you want! I really appreciate it
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