Monday, February 21, 2011

Rained in weekend

The weather in AZ lately has been weird and frustrating. One day its cold, next its hot, then cold again and now rain.. Can we stick to one please! Preferable somewhere around the high 70's (its 47 as I type this)

Well this weekend I pretty much stayed home, its complicated going out with 3 kiddos on a good day so the fact that it was raining and wet outside forget about it. I really needed to go grocery shopping and clothes shopping for the baby. My gordo has outgrown almost all of his outfits. But thanks to the rain that was a no go.

On the plus side, caught up on a movies and cooking :) I finally made some pupusas that I had been putting off cause its kinda time consuming

A pupusa is a traditional Salvadoran dish made of thick, hand-made corn tortilla that is filled with a blend of cheese, cheese & beans, meat & cheese, etc.

My grandmother is from El Salvador, and is a pro and making them. I'm still a beginner but the ones I made last night were delish!

My kangoo boot order also came in

lol. my gordo sneaked in this picture (deer in the headlight look)

When I demoed the boots they only had Large I was able to wear them for a bit until they become bothersome, so when i ordered mine I went for a medium and they fit perfect
Chart size is Med (7-9)
Large (10-12)
Idk what small is?
Since I couldn't go anywhere, I opted to wear them around the house while doing chores, did some laundry, washed and put away dishes, danced with the baby, he jumped in his jumper and I jumped next to him in the boots. I clearly did not use them to there full potential but I did feel the muscles working and got a little sweat going.

Thank you rain for keeping me couped in the house all weekend, I enjoyed the time with my family :) but they are not happy about not having granola bars this morning for breakfast. I shall be grocery shopping tonight


  1. the weather is insane here in Pittsburgh too! We had 70 degrees and sunny on friday, now it's snowing (and accumulating) today. Boo global warming.

  2. Wow I cant wait for you to do a review on these shies! Oh btw I loved he rain this past weekend and it was also very productive like yours.

  3. that" pupusa " look good <3 weather here is nice ,, cloudy ,, then sunny ,, the cloudy again ,, =D awesome time for BBQ
    have a great day hun

  4. Cool! I am Salvadorian as well! So cool :)

  5. nice! im salvadorian,cuban,honduran and spaniard. lol :)
